Sunday, April 14, 2002

Who Am I?

By trade I am an Oracle Database Administrator and Data Warehouse Architect. By avocation I am a Classical Liberal and an Economics fan, including 5 years worth of PhD level study before finally drifting into my current vocation.

Why am I writing this blog?

Ego, mainly. And I think that actively trying to write regularly and build an audience (such as it is) will make me a better writer.

Do I really think I’ll be able to maintain this blog?

Hope so. Maybe not. Lately I’ve been working such long hours that I really have no time for much of anything else. And golf season is upon us. Right now I sweat over every sentence. If I can learn how to gather and coherently state my thoughts efficiently and effectively enough that I can do my job, maintain this blog, and play a few semi-rounds of golf a week, the enterprise will be a success.

My basic philosophy about the world, economics, and public policy.

The idea that everyone should be allowed to do whatever he wants as long as he doesn’t injure someone else has been self-evident for as long as I can remember. People who don’t really believe in it but want to claim that they do can nit-pick it to death. But if you’re honest, it’s pretty simple.

The world would be a much better place if (a) everyone understood Econ 101, and (b) governments acted as if Econ 101 was a complete and 100% accurate depiction of reality. Almost nothing taught in Econ 101 is a perfect description of reality, but it teaches an awful lot. More bad than good has come from “sophisticated” policies that attempt to recognize the inaccuracies in Econ 101.

Favorite books:

For the last 10 years or so I’ve considered the following the “5 classics of modern Classical Liberal thought:”

The Road to Serfdom, F A Hayek
The Constitution of Liberty, F A Hayek
Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick
Knowledge and Decisions, Thomas Sowell
Takings, Richard Epstein

Other immense favorites:

The Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government, Charles Murray
Free to Choose, Milton Friedman
Against the Dead Hand, Brink Lindsay
The Future and Its Enemies, Virginia Postrel
Ethnic America, Thomas Sowell